This web site is an excellent forum for members to keep up-to-date on important events and activities on the Cisco Chain. You will find links to informational resources, contemporary news on topics of interest, and the latest edition of our newsletter "Shorelines." The CCROA board of directors and lake reps promote this web site as your one stop venue for the latest information. Mindful of the need to be responsible stewards of your dues and donations, we wish to promote cost-effective, timely communication, which is best accomplished electronically. To that end, you are encouraged to visit this site regularly. Urge friends and neighbors to visit it as well.
Additionally, in an effort to communicate time-sensitive information to the membership quickly, a means of sending email blasts has been developed. In order to keep you informed of the latest updates, we need your email address. If you have not received any notices via email, please send your email address to and then add the CCROA address to your contacts and safe senders list. If you have received emails but prefer to receive informational updates at a different email address, please direct that request to as well. All messages are sent to you confidentially, and we do not share your contact information with anyone else. Substantial savings on printing and postage expenses can be redirected to the costly fight against aquatic invasive species (AIS).
We strive to keep the membership as informed as possible on important topics such as AIS as well as anything else that might arise. Please note that preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species and their spread must be a priority of every riparian and user of our treasured resource. Ongoing updates of lake surveys, mitigation efforts, and other related AIS information will be posted here and communicated to you as developments occur. Stay informed on the important topic of AIS. Please do not underestimate your individual role in this critical area. Visit your CCROA website often!
President CCROA